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Scotwork-Led Negotiation Skills Coaching


Coaching to reinforce your negotiators’ training and continue their development is crucial to ensuring your team applies their new skills. Scotwork can continue to develop and reinforce their skills on an ongoing basis.

Are you ready to develop a team of elite dealmakers?

email info@scotworkusa.com call 973.428.1991

Scotwork-Led Coaching

No matter what course your team has completed, all will benefit from Scotwork’s expert coaching.

Expert Coaching

All Scotwork Negotiation Experts are experienced and proven negotiators and certified masters of Scotwork course material who can help your team apply their skills in the real world.

Proven Coaching Methods

Our proven coaching methods and competency-development tools will help your team achieve their objectives and become strong, confident, and successful negotiators.

Personalized Focus for Coaching Success

Coaching is available for 1:1 and small group sessions. Every participant has a customized personal development plan, and each coaching engagement is personalized to the participating individuals.

You are at the COACH stage in the Skills Development Process.

Click below to learn about the other stages.


Assess - Train - Coach

Contact us for negotiation skills coaching.

email info@scotworkusa.com call 973.428.1991

Some call us their “secret sauce”

Our solutions are tailored to each client’s needs. We transform dealmakers in 104 countries, in more sectors than we can count. And we’ve done it for nearly 50 years with a client recommendation rate of 98.9%.

Discover What Our Clients Say

Read “Tales From the Table”

Scotwork’s own tips, tools, and techniques pulled from real-world negotiations. Dig in and transform yourself into a better dealmaker right now.


Begin Your Transformation