At Scotwork, our negotiation consulting clients constantly tell us that the toughest negotiations are internal. These talks are a morass of competing priorities, unrealistic deadlines and resource demands, questionable directives, unwinding precedents we may have created ourselves, and sometimes even matters of principle.
When it comes down to it, the real challenge with internal negotiations is that professionals aren’t in the habit of trading with their internal counterparts, be it their boss, a peer, co-worker, or another division or department.
The key is resetting our mindset so that we can activate our skill set for better internal negotiations.
The required mindset is that “You deserve to have your needs met just as much as your team members.” Frequently, when confronted with a request, many of us default to “yes.” This is where you can apply the mindset: My needs are as important as my counterpart’s, and I will only get my needs met if I ask for a trade.
This takes us to the necessary skill set.
1. Know what you want to get in return.
When Scotwork advises clients who are unsure what they can trade for, we frequently suggest these potential trading variables: timely updates, having someone step in for you in a meeting, involving you in a project you could learn from, and possibly — most valuable of all — an introduction to someone who could influence your career.
2. Have the ability to structure expectations.
You may need to unwind existing precedent. Go ahead — you have our permission. Just structure their expectations in a friendly but firm way. For example, try “I’m always happy to help you, and in the spirit of partnership, I need your help in return.”
Partnership, especially with internal stakeholders, means both parties have skin in the game and both give to get.
3. Build the courage to make the ask.
The only way to get better at asking for the trade is to ask for the trade. Build your confidence one conversation at a time. You’re the one with the expertise to ask for information or conditions to service your stakeholders and maintain your agreements.
Once you have the mindset and the skill set to trade internally, you can turn dreaded negotiations into productive interactions. Remember, if you keep giving without getting something in return, nothing will change.
We Can Help You with Dreaded Internal Negotiations.
Don’t fear internal negotiations. Rely on Scotwork’s 50 years of experience to develop the mindset and skill set to trade effectively with colleagues and managers.