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Hurry Up — the Year Is Ending!

Brian Buck
241202 Hurry The Year Is Ending
© Scotwork NA

It’s that time: The clock is ticking, holidays are looming, the ball is about to drop on another year . . . and you still have deals to close! You’d rather be celebrating, taking time off, and recharging, but you have unfinished business, and that can feel overwhelming. If you’ve got deals to get done, it’s time to pick up the pace.

Speeding up a negotiation is not about cutting corners. Rushing through a negotiation recklessly is like sprinting across an icy sidewalk. Sure, you might get there faster, but you’re also more likely to wipe out. The goal is to speed up a deal without sacrificing results.

Here are a few things I do to help expedite conversations while keeping momentum alive all the way to the finish line:

Set deadlines — and mean them!

Deadlines aren’t just for project managers — they’re a negotiator’s best friend. Setting deadlines with incentives or consequences creates urgency. The key is that the incentives or consequences have to be real. They must be things you’re willing to give or enforce. If you don’t follow through, you run the risk of losing credibility and never having another deadline followed.

Think creatively about your incentives (delivery gets expedited or additional support gets bundled in) and consequences (pricing changes when a deadline expires or availability goes away). Whatever you choose, just make sure it matters to the other side.

Cut through the noise.

If your year-end negotiations are a playlist, get rid of the off-key distractions. Instead of dancing around issues, get straight to the point. What’s most important? What are the priorities? What must the deal include? The faster you get to what’s important, the faster you can get a deal across the finish line.

If there are potential deal-breakers that need to be addressed, get them on the table early in the conversation. Don’t risk tackling major issues at the last minute when you can use that time to fine-tune and come to an agreement.

Clarify decision-making.

Few things stall negotiations more than confusion around decision-making. These delays can make us feel like we’re being ghosted. Don’t leave decision-making to chance. Learn about the decision-making process early on. Ask, “Who needs to sign off?” and “What’s the process on your end?” The more you know, the less chasing you’ll have to do.

If possible, try to involve decision-makers directly in the negotiation when needed. This will cut down on delays and eliminate the need for intermediaries.

Leverage reciprocity.

December is the season for giving and receiving. Sometimes, we can get stuck in a negotiation because neither side is willing to move on a position. In these instances, consider signaling flexibility. For instance, you might offer, “If you’re willing to be flexible on pricing, we could be more flexible on payment terms.” Signaling your willingness to reciprocate can help get everyone’s creative juices flowing to overcome obstacles.

If the other side is really stuck on an issue, use hypotheticals to test different ways to get past the issue. Statements like, “Just suppose I could do that. Would you be willing to do this?” Hypotheticals can help free us from the places where we’re stuck.

As the year-end rush heats up, remember: Speed in negotiations isn’t about recklessness — it’s about intentionality. With the right tactics, you can close deals efficiently and effectively, ensuring you head into the holidays with a sense of accomplishment (and maybe even some eggnog).

Time flies — don’t let your deals drag.


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Brian Buck
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