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Stephen White

One of the most commented upon blogs we have posted this year is the one we published on the frustration many suppliers feel when they are in receipt of client RFPs. Comments came from suppliers in agreement of the sentiment and many buyers about the bias in the writing.  You can read this blog here.

Bit of a Marmite blog to be fair.

That said, it certainly created debate. Frankly that is what the blog is about.

Below is the second part of this blog. Batten down the hatches.

One of the irritants for suppliers in most RFPs is how the process inherently gives the client control of the process; the choice of online portal, the preconditions suppliers must agree to in order to take part, the timelines, and so on.

Here is some text a supplier might consider using to redress the balance, to be sent to the client at the point in the process they ask the supplier if they intend to participate in the RFP. Suppliers might want to modify some of the language!




Stephen White, Managing Partner

Stephen White
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