Real-World Insights
Tales from the Table
It’s that time: The clock is ticking, holidays are looming, the ball is about to drop on another year . . . and you still have deals to close! If you’ve got deals to get done, it’s time to pick up the pace......
Thanksgiving is upon us, and while we look forward to family, food, and maybe some football, we know there’s another game at the table: the art of the Thanksgiving swap. Thanksgiving negotiation isn’t just interpersonal peace treaties, it’s also about securing your culinary favorites......
I recently received a note from a client I’ve been consulting on a deal with. In it, she asked how to deal with ghosting, an issue I’ve heard from so many people, I thought I’d share her note here......
It’s no secret that last week's presidential election was, well, spirited. In the aftermath, you might see a mix of victory laps and disappointed sighs, or your lunch break conversations may feel like a dance around landmines. Yet the day after, we’re all back at work, needing to navigate projects,.....