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Time. Friend or Foe

Alan Smith

On July 20th 1969, the late Neil Armstrong was the first man to step onto the surface of the moon. As commander of Apollo 11 his legend was secured by this act of endeavor, courage and ambition.

His words as he left the Eagle have been recorded for posterity. 'That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind". These words were beamed to the millions of global viewers making it one of the most watched televised events in history.

Fewer people heard the few words he said prior to these. Just before leaving the craft he said, "Good luck Mr. Gorsky". For years many assumed this referred to Armstrong's respect for a Russian astronaut. But Armstrong refused to be drawn on the question, and would not discuss his enigmatic remark. When asked he would simply smile and change the subject.

That was until July 5th 1995, 26 years after making the statement when a reporter in Tampa Bay Florida asked him the question again.

This time according to legend, Armstrong replied.

In 1938 when he was a young boy he had been playing baseball in his garden. The ball had accidently been hit into his neighbor's yard. The neighbors were the Gorsky's.

As Armstrong bent to pick up the ball, he heard through the open upstairs window Mrs Gorsky shout to her husband, "Sex you want sex! You can have sex when the kid next door walks on the moon"

Recording and capturing signals of flexibility from the other side, particularly in long term relationships is always good news.

If I can understand the circumstances under which a better deal, or a deal at all may be possible I can work towards achieving that goal, or at least as in Mr Gorsky's case watch out for the change in circumstances.

It may be even worth the wait. I hope so for Mr Gorsky's sake.

Alan Smith, Partner

Alan Smith
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